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Case Study

Mission Critical Data on the Move

Customer Challenges

Like all of our US law enforcement customers, The United States Marshals Service has very demanding mission needs when it comes to IT and mobility. Marshals in the field need access to critical data and reliable communications networks in real time to support their operations. Any lack of mobility impacts the effectiveness of inter-agency collaboration during ongoing operations.

AI Solution Features

For our US Marshals customer, AI provides network and video engineering support services across multiple programs and has enhanced the mission infrastructure. In addition to our support for the infrastructure, we identified the opportunity to upgrade their Mobile Command Centers (MCC) to ensure that agents in the field experienced the same IT connectivity as in their static office environments, even though this was not originally in scope for us. Our team provided a robust, mobile, encrypted communications platform within the MCC keeping all arrest teams in contact with Task Force supervisors and support personnel including, for the first time, use of live streaming video from mobile sensors.

Benefits to the Customer Mission

AI technicians developed innovative infrastructure and mobility solutions to support multiple USMS mission operations.


  • AI engineers provided IT engineering and mobile communications support for a successful joint task force operation between the DEA and USMS, leading to multiple arrests and weapons seizures. Our MCC upgrades were critical to the success of this operation.
  • One of AI’s Electronic Technicians was recognized by USMS OST as part of a deployed team providing critical communications assets on a key operation. He received the Blooming Grove Service Award from the Pennsylvania State Police.
  • One of AI’s Electronics Technicians deployed on Father’s Day, 2015 to provide critical communications support deploying antenna towers, keying radios and meeting USMS aircraft at local airfields for programming in the successful manhunt for escaped prisoners.

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